Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is partnering with the Florida Department of Education (DOE) and the Florida Association of Career and Technical Education (FACTE) on innovative secondary and postsecondary projects that cultivate entrepreneurial mindsets and capabilities in career and technical education (CTE) students, executing on the vision of Florida’s Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), which committed to creating a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem for the state’s CTE students.

Business equity is a significant source of wealth, second only to home equity, and for special populations and economically disadvantaged students in particular, the idea of self-employment or the ability to effectively create value within industry or a profession is potentially transformative. Becoming an entrepreneur, or acquiring an education infused with entrepreneurship learning outcomes, is a proven path to economic and social mobility. Florida’s CTE programs seek not only to prepare students for jobs, but also to create the jobs of the future, and the DOE’s goal to excel in workforce education by 2030 can only be met if CTE programs are nurturing creative, forward-thinking talent.

The first initiative in this collaboration is a series of ten webinars on Entrepreneurship Education & Training led by national experts from NFTE and Uncharted Learning. The series begins September 29 and runs through October 29.

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