Use the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Resource Directory to find program and curriculum information, access free classroom tools, download brand guidelines and logos, check out board member resources, review financial transparency documents, and more! Click the Resource Name to open each file.

NFTE is a global nonprofit dedicated to empowering youth from under-resourced communities through entrepreneurship education. As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, we are committed to accountability and transparency in financial reporting. Form 990 is an annual reporting return that certain federally tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. It provides information on the filing organization’s mission, programs and finances. Select Financials under Resource Type. Contact us to learn more.

NFTE programs are designed to ignite the imagination, develop business skills, and grow the entrepreneurial mindset. The project of creating your own business makes learning relevant and compelling. Our model includes experiential, project-based learning; flexible, blended learning, and more! Select Program Overview under Resource Type, then click Show All. Contact us to get started with NFTE.

Resource Name Program Audience Resource Type
NFTE Policy Brief, Feb 2024 Boards, Educators, Media, Policy, Postsecondary, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters
Poster: NFTE's Impact Alumni, Boards, Educators, Postsecondary, Students Poster
Survey: Alumni, 2013 Alumni, Boards, Educators, Postsecondary, Students, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Research
Study: Volunteerism, 2023 Alumni, Boards, Educators, Students, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Research
Exploratory Study: Start It Up!, 2023 Postsecondary Alumni, Boards, Educators, Students, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Research
Survey: Alumni, 2016 Alumni, Boards, Educators, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Research
NFTE Research: Measuring Entrepreneurial Mindset, 2018 Boards, Educators, Postsecondary Research
NFTE Evaluation: Entrepreneurship 2 Program, 2018 Boards, Educators, Students Research
Poster: NFTE Entrepreneurial Mindset Grades 10-12, Grades 11 and Above, Grades 5-12, Grades 6-12, Grades 9-12 Alumni, Boards, Educators, Students, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Poster
Poster: NFTE Learning Cycle Grades 10-12, Grades 11 and Above, Grades 5-12, Grades 6-12, Grades 9-12 Alumni, Boards, Educators, Students, Volunteers-Partners-Supporters Poster