Why This?

The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship’s Start It Up! is a suite of digital curriculum and enhanced services that help postsecondary education and workforce development organizations deliver engaging entrepreneurship education and effective skill-building programming.

To ensure that we’re providing high-quality programming, we decided to learn from our partners’ implementation of Start It Up! in various environments.

Why Now?

Today’s global career market values innovation and problem solving. Can Start It Up! help meet that demand? In 2023, NFTE’s Research Team initiated an exploratory study of the program to better understand how partners are implementing the curriculum, who it serves, and what the benefits and barriers are.

Of students surveyed, 70% reported being either satisfied or very satisfied with the program. Partner organizations further cited Start It Up!’s flexibility and accessibility as key strengths. For the full report, contact [email protected].

What the Experts Say …

“We have conducted first-hand research with our partners highlighting the need for innovation among underrepresented populations through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurial thinking is relevant to learning whether a participant starts a business or pursues a more traditional career path. Through Start it Up!, we look forward to learning what is most important to postsecondary educators and students.”

Dr. Elizabeth Kim
Director, Research and Analytics, NFTE

Start It Up! is a 35-hour course for focused entrepreneurship exploration that is driven by a work-based learning model. Partners tailor it for their needs or embed it across disciplines. Learners in postsecondary and other settings beyond high school discover best practices via 14 Start It Up! modules that guide them step-by-step—from business idea to business launch.

“We have conducted first-hand research with our partners highlighting the need for innovation among underrepresented populations through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurial thinking is relevant to learning whether a participant starts a business or pursues a more traditional career path. Through Start it Up!, we look forward to learning what is most important to postsecondary educators and students.”

Kene Turner
Director, National Postsecondary Programs, NFTE