“My grandfather always says, ‘health is wealth’ and I feel like you can’t really enjoy things if you’re not healthy.
—aaditya sharma
- Aaditya Sharma and his business partner Advay saw a real problem with the health and safety of milk production in their home country of India.
- As a teen, they created MADS, the Milk Adulteration Detection System, to monitor adulterated milk concentrations in underdeveloped communities.
- After winning the MetLife Foundation’s Good Health and Well-being Challenge in the NFTE World Series of Innovation, Aaditya went on to study engineering at Virginia Tech University
- NFTE invited Aaditya to share his expertise on a panel discussion at the UN Global Goals Conversation
Aaditya Sharma had always been interested in robotics as a high school student in India.
When Aaditya saw a real problem with the health and safety of milk production in India, he saw a way to put his robotics skills and his entrepreneurial mindset to good use.
Alongside his business partner Advay, Aaditya created MADS, the Milk Adulteration Detection System. The device detects urea, one of the most prevalent and dangerous adulterants in milk. It can cause serious health issues, but is added to milk production to increase the whiteness, consistency, fat and protein content.
Aaditya and Advay knew they had a competitive advantage with MADS — their product is made from inexpensive components, and is therefore easily scalable. Additionally, it achieves results much faster than existing solutions. Knowing they had a good idea, product, and business plan, Aaditya and Advay entered and won the MetLife Foundation Good Health and Well-being Challenge in the 2022-2023 NFTE World Series of Innovation, advancing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #3 — to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
They didn’t stop there after receiving their $1,500 prize. Recognizing opportunities to use their product within their community, Aaditya and Advay went on to apply for a patent for their image processing algorithms, and they have even been in conversations with Nestle to discuss implementing the MADS technology.

Soon after winning, Aaditya went on to study engineering at Virginia Tech University, and was later invited to participate as a panelist in the 2023 NFTE UN Global Goals Conversation. His initiative and self reliance, comfort with risk, and flexibility and adaptability were on display as he spoke alongside other executives to a room full of students, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.
Now, Aaditya continues to strive toward a healthier world for all as he applies his entrepreneurial mindset (both in school and beyond) to innovate and think big to solve some of the biggest problems facing our world.