Many Generation Z teens have the qualities necessary to become entrepreneurs but are not sure where to start. High school students Amanda Kossoff and Luna Wang from Montgomery County, Maryland, took on the challenge to bridge the knowledge gap and launched a 150-page workbook, Make An Impact Through Business: A Teen’s Guide to Entrepreneurship, helping teens turn their passions into real impact.

The pair is donating 50% of book proceeds to Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), a global nonprofit organization providing entrepreneurship training and educational programs to middle and high school students, college students, and adults.

Kossoff and Wang say this is all about encouraging youth entrepreneurship and making an impact.

Their book, Make an Impact Through Business, breaks down the complicated entrepreneurship process into small steps that are more comprehensible and manageable. This new book, featuring the authors’ journey and advice, is an invaluable treasure trove of up-to-date resources and personal insights all in one place! Jam-packed with easy-to-implement tasks and write-in activities, you’ll quite literally work through the entrepreneurial world.

Starting from the ground up, Make an Impact Through Business prepares new entrepreneurs from building a preserver mindset, to generating momentous strategies, to nailing down communication, to learning from other wonderful “teentrepreneurs.”

Breaking down the 501(c)(3) registration process to complex business jargon, Make an Impact has got business down to a science: perfect for teenagers getting their feet wet in entrepreneurship.

Beyond the content, Kossoff and Wang made youth entrepreneurship even more accessible by building a free Opportunity Bank with tons of educational and supplemental resources. The co-authors created [email protected] for teens to reach out for personalized advice and feedback along their venture-creating process.

“I wish Make an Impact Through Business had been around when I was a teenager” said Jamie Ratner, founder and CEO of CertifiKID and author of ParentPreneurs. “It is actually a fantastic business book for anyone, but especially captivating for teens who want to make a positive difference in the world.”

According to Kossoff and Wang, Make An Impact Through Business: A Teen’s Guide to Entrepreneurship – from day one of dreaming until your venture takes off – will guide you on an exciting journey that’ll certainly leave a positive impact on society.


Make an Impact Through Business: A Teen’s Guide to Entrepreneurship
Amanda Kossoff and Luna Wang

On sale: July 18, 2022
Price: $14.99
Pages: 150

Click here to purchase