Each year the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) calls for a global celebration of Youth Entrepreneurship Day during National Entrepreneurship Month in November. This day recognizes the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among young people.

During the inaugural year, NFTE sought and received a Presidential letter from the Biden administration, as well as proclamations recognizing the day in Dallas; Miami-Dade County, Florida; Massachusetts; Texas; and Washington, D.C.

This year we’ll celebrate on Nov. 15. Below are proclamations from across the country recognizing the day and celebrating NFTE’s efforts to ignite the entrepreneurial mindset in young innovators.

2024 Proclamations

Presidential Letter

Governor of Georgia

Governor of Illinois

Mayor of Baltimore, MD

Mayor of New York, NY

Mayor of Miami-Dade County, FL

Governor of Texas

Mayor of St. Louis, MO

Mayor of Dallas, TX

Mayor of Springfield, MA

Governor of Massachusetts

Mayor of San Francisco, CA

Mayor of Washington, DC

Superintendent of Schools in CA